Yaszay, Burt MD*; O’Brien, Michael MD†; Shufflebarger, Harry L. MD†; Betz, Randal R. MD‡; Lonner, Baron MD§; Shah, Suken A. MD¶; Boachie-Adjei, Oheneba MD; Crawford, Alvin MD**; Letko, Lynn MD††; Harms, Jurgen MD††; Gupta, Munish C. MD‡‡; Sponseller, Paul D. MD§§; Abel, Mark F. MD¶¶; Flynn, John MD; Macagno, Angel…...
Do Discs “Open” Anteriorly With Posterior-Only Correction of Scheuermann’s Kyphosis?
Tsutsui, Shunji MD*; Pawelek, Jeff B. BS*; Bastrom, Tracey P. MA*; Shah, Suken A. MD†; Newton, Peter O. MD*,‡ Study Design. Retrospective radiographic analysis. Objective. To investigate where and to what degree the correction of Scheuermann’s kyphosis occurred in two different procedures: posterior instrumentation/fusion with an anterior release and posterior-only…...
Did the Lenke Classification Change Scoliosis Treatment?
Clements, David H. MD*; Marks, Michelle PT, MA†; Newton, Peter O. MD†,‡; Betz, Randal R. MD*; Lenke, Lawrence MD§; Shufflebarger, Harry MD¶; Harms Study Group Study Design. A retrospective review of data prospectively entered into a multicenter database. Objective. To evaluate the adherence to classification-specific surgical treatment recommendations for adolescent…...
Selective Thoracic Fusion in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Factors Influencing the Selection of the Optimal Lowest Instrumented Vertebra
Takahashi, Jun MD*; Newton, Peter O. MD†; Ugrinow, Valerie L. BA†; Bastrom, Tracey P. MA† Study Design. Analysis of multicenter, prospectively collected data. Objective. To determine how selection of the lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) relative to the stable vertebra (SV) and the end vertebra (EV) effects correction of the main…...