Bridwell, Keith H. MD*; Shufflebarger, Harry L. MD†; Lenke, Lawrence G. MD*‡; Lowe, Thomas G. MD§; Betz, Randal R. MD,÷; Bassett, George S. MD‡¶ Study Design. A multicenter cross-sectional study of parents’ and patient’s concerns and preferences regarding surgery for idiopathic scoliosis. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to…...
Prospective Pulmonary Function Evaluation Following Open Thoracotomy for Anterior Spinal Fusion in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Graham, Eric J MD*; Lenke, Lawrence G MD*; Lowe, Thomas G MD†; Betz, Randal R. MD‡; Bridwell, Keith H MD*; Kong, Y. MSc†; Blanke, Kathy RN* Study Design. Prospective study. Objectives. To prospectively evaluate sequential pulmonary function tests (PFTs) at a minimum 2-year follow-up after an open anterior spinal fusion…...
Do Radiographic Parameters Correlate With Clinical Outcomes in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?
D’Andrea, Linda P. MD*; Betz, Randal R. MD*; Lenke, Lawrence G. MD†; Clements, David H. MD‡; Lowe, Thomas G. MD; Merola, Andrew MD∥; Haher, Thomas MD∥; Harms, Jürgen MD¶; Huss, Gail K. RN*; Blanke, Kathy RN†; McGlothlen, Sally RT Study Design. A radiographic assessment has been developed to include coronal,…...
Defining the Pediatric Spinal Thoracoscopy Learning Curve: Sixty-Five Consecutive Cases
Newton, Peter O. MD; Shea, Kevin G. MD; Granlund, Kirk F. MD Study Design. Consecutive case prospective chart and radiographic review. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to define the learning curve of spinal thoracoscopy. Summary of Background Data. Thoracoscopy is an alternative to open thoracotomy in the treatment…...
The Effect of Continued Posterior Spinal Growth on Sagittal Contour in Patients Treated by Anterior Instrumentation for Idiopathic Scoliosis
D’Andrea, Linda P. MD*; Betz, Randal R. MD†; Lenke, Lawrence G. MD‡; Harms, Jürgen MD§; Clements, David H. MD†; Lowe, Thomas G. MD∥ Study Design. Retrospective analysis of radiographs on a prospective cohort of patients undergoing anterior instrumentation for thoracic idiopathic scoliosis. Objectives. To analyze the change in sagittal profile…...