This quality improvement/assessment program is designed to assist in optimizing surgeon performance and improving patient outcomes in spinal deformity surgeries for Idiopathic Scoliosis, Neuromuscular Scoliosis, and Spondylolistehsis. Through participation in this Quality Improvement Registry, surgeons will receive real-time reporting through ‘dashboard reports’. Reporting contains comparative practice data that supports the identification of best practices and shared learning. In addition, participation in this program will allow educational opportunities through program supported surgeon education events.
Surgeon Performance Program Quality Improvement Registry
This quality improvement (QI) registry was designed to assess patient and surgeon variables and practice patterns associated with the surgical treatment of spinal deformities, including Idiopathic Scoliosis, Neuromuscular Scoliosis, and Spondylolisthesis Patient-level data is submitted by participating surgeons on a quarterly basis to the Setting Scoliosis Straight central infrastructure. The primary aims of this QI registry are to promote health care quality improvement by allowing clinicians to identify ways to improve treatment processes and patient outcomes by tracking their surgical cases. The secondary aim of the QI registry is to serve as a source of data for outcomes and comparative effectiveness quality improvement programs.
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