The Setting Scoliosis Straight Foundation & the Harms Study Group’s goal to impact scoliosis care worldwide requires support from people who share our vision.
We fund over one million dollars in pediatric and adolescent spinal deformity research each year, and while we have pioneered multiple advancements in scoliosis treatment, there is still more work to be done. We know that we can reach all ends of the globe and positively impact treatment for all children with spinal deformities if we accelerate our educational outreach through accelerating our fundraising. We cannot afford to lose momentum in pediatric spinal deformity research now. Your support is critical in creating a future where children suffering from spinal deformity is a thing of the past.
If you would like to learn more ways to support our cause, visit our Setting Scoliosis Straight website for more information.
If you wish to make a gift today, in support of one or more of the research initiatives, please click on the Support Now! button below.