The Harms Study Group (HSG) is a worldwide cohort of surgeons, with over twenty years of productivity, who perform comprehensive, multi-center, prospective research studies focused on pediatric spinal deformity.

This Quality Improvement Registry is designed to assist in optimizing surgeon performance and improving patient outcomes in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) surgery.

HSG shares their research discoveries with colleagues at multiple scientific meetings annually and has produced hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles. Read our publications here.

The Lenke Classification System provides surgeons with a simple, accurate and reproducible way to communicate about scoliosis. Visit our Lenke Calculator page to learn how it works.
The HSG is a worldwide cohort of surgeons. Currently there are 37 active members. Each members contribute significantly to the main studies of the group. Click Here to see who they are and where they are from.
Executive Members
Prospective Scoliosis Database Registry Studies
For over twenty years, the Harms Study Group has been the leading producer of research on spinal deformity treatment in children and adolescents. With the combined efforts from many of our members around the globe, we have created the largest database registry for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). Along with our AIS registry, we also have prospective database registries for Celebral Palsy (CP), Scheuermann’s Kyphosis (PSK), and Marfan Syndrome.